Zion National Park - Utah
My friend, Tim Zandee, invited me to share a trip to Zion National Park. What a beautiful place this is and I'll now have to return several more times just to experience more of what it has to offer.

There was a debate whether or not my friends and I would stand at this vantage point with several other photographers, but I'm glad we did. I even got the opportunity to teach a woman from the east coast about the light we were all waiting for at Mount Watchman.

The beautiful cascades at the Archangel Falls.

As water flows down the creek, the majority of it gets channeled to this crack for about 30 feet.

It was a real treat to apply for the permit lottery and to win. This was a really beautiful (and strenuous!) hike through the river valley that leads to this scene where the canyon walls look like a subway tunnel.

Somehow I lost my watch while hiking through The Narrows. It's easy to lose time in this place - literally.

The beautiful sunlight shone down in the deep canyon and lit up this tree.