Rear Axle Strengthening
The Cherokee has been getting heavier and I thought I'd weld a truss on to the rear axle to keep it from bending when on a trail. While the axle was removed, I figured I'd also relocate the shock mounts and install a locking differential.

The rear axle truss to weld on for extra strength.

First, we pull the axle and cut off the shock mounts.

Then we modify the shock mounts so they become shorter.

Weld the modified mounts and truss on. Similar to the front axle welding work, this axle was wrapped up and let cooled indoors instead of the cold garage.

Once cooled overnight, the axle returns to the garage for paint and for the brake lines to be relocated since the truss is now in the way for the factory locations.

The hard brake lines were relocated to run on the outside of the truss.

Now that the shock mounts have been relocated to adjust their angles and clearance, it was time to buy some new shocks.

With the shocks installed, you can see they match the OX differential cover.

The original shock mount hangs quite a bit below the bottom of the axle housing and have taken some hits on rocks throughout the years.

Look at all of that extra clearance now!